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The Healing Process is a Process of Spiritual Awakening


Somewhere along the way humanity found itself lost in the dark and in denial of this reality along because our arrogance to admit defeat we have created systems and ideologies that have pushed us further and further into suffering and despair. 

Our collective trauma is seen has been passed on for generations, through each family line, war, poverty, slavery, addiction, mental and physical illness, and the destruction of our home planet. 

We don't realize that in our pain driven attempt at making ourselves feel whole again, we just create more suffering and pain. 

We have replaced faith with fear, abundance with scarcity, taking instead of receiving, we use one another instead of loving each other, we keep dividing in a million ways instead of uniting. 

We are at war with ourselves and therefore each other. We are at war with following the teachings of a sick society and the knowing inside of us that tells us that the way we are living is wrong, that there is a better way... a kinder fear way...but to fear tells us that if we dare follow the truth we may not survive, it is too unknown. 

We create synthetic ways to feel whole and at peace if even for a moment, ways that pull us further into the dark, ways that dim our light and kill our souls. 

Humanity is at a crossroad, we are living in the most important times, will we choose to remain unconscious until all the light and life in ourselves and the planet is gone, or will we face ourselves? 

Will we face our pain, our darkness, overcome our fears, align with truth, allow the false reality we are attached to crumble... for a moment be left terrifyingly groundless as we awaken to the truth.

We have created so many distortions in our collective and individual reality in order to not face ourselves, distortions passed onto each generation that we no longer know what is true, so we hold onto illusions of reality such as money, power, beauty, religion, politics, race, etc, as if those made us who we are. They do not. 

Healing is a process of removing the distortions, of feeling the pain not felt for centuries that was passed onto you, ending cycles of violence (towards self or others). Healing is a process of reconnecting with ourselves... the truth of who we are, divine, sacred beings who were made in the image of God. 

Through healing we remember that we are worthy of love, abundance, freedom, peace. That we are perfect and not broken. That the universe has our back, and the earth provides, and we are all one. That our differences create balance not conflict. That it is through our differences that we teach each other and have something to offer to one another. 

When we heal we live aligned mind, body, heart, soul and the war is over, we know peace and in that peace we let others be and in doing so the cycle of violence ends with us and others start to heal. In understanding the sacredness of us we understand that every aspect of life is so also. We live more responsibly, connected, and return to way of life that returns us to the light, creating a collective reality that resembles that.

One by one, each person choosing to heal, to awaken, to remember. We begin to choose faith and trust over fear, love over attachment and control, we allow ourselves to receive and we freely give,  we are treat all of live and our bodies with respect as we now know we ourselves are worthy of it. More importantly we are free, because we no longer have attachments to the things that we once thought we needed in order to survive. We instead, just flow with life with deep gratitude and deep humility that we get the honour to experience, grow, evolve, and enjoy the short time we have in this borrowed human avatar until we have to give it back. 

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