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Things Don't Happen TO you but rather FOR You

"You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens." ~ Rumi

We have become such a fearful species. We have forgotten the most important laws of life and how to live our human exper

ience on earth. It is through fear that we have created so much suffering in ourselves and therefore in the world.

The truth is that The Universe always has our back, as we are it and it is us. We are here to spiritually awaken and evolve our consciousness. Every experience in life is given to us to help us do that. To move from unconsciousness to consciousness. From darkness to light. From fear to love. 

We have forgotten that just as there are energies of fear, greed, control, attachment, pain, etc there are also the energies of love, abundance, joy, trust, faith, courage, curiosity, surrender, etc available to us. In a realm of duality and free will we get to decide what energies to tap into, embody, live by, and therefore create reality from. 

Humanity has become imprisoned by their trauma and pain, one passed on from generation to generation, making fear the leading force from which we live. We are enslaved by the many unconscious ways in which we try to control, suppress, avoid, deny, resist, resent, reject, our pain.

If you allow yourself to understand that EVERYTHING we go through is but an opportunity to evolve and grow towards freedom and light we live unafraid of life, we live free and authentically. We live in the light.

When things fall apart in your life it is because you are at the end of a cycle and at the same time entering a new one. Just like in nature, decay brings about new life, as do the periods in your life that bring about the end of any (often simultaneously many) areas of your life (like relationships, jobs, moves, bad habits, death, etc.)

Suffering comes from our inability to let go, to release the old and step into the new. From being attached to the suffering we know because we are afraid to step into a new unknown. If we understand that we are taken care off (if we live with faith and trust) and surrender to the flow of life and trust that we are being led to better, we make the choice to keep walking where we are led rather that getting stuck in what is asking to die because it no longer serves us. Staying stuck causes so much suffering and the longer we stay in the old our of fear, the darker it gets. Quite often we only move when it gets darker than we can handle and the suffering from staying the same becomes greater than the fear of stepping into a new unknown. The process of becoming ready to transcend the old involves finally having the courage to face yourself and your pain, learn from it, grow from it, and level up. Like in a video game, you have to defeat obstacles and opponents to reach the next level, one that is often harder but tackled from the skills and strengths you have developed playing the levels before it. 

Grief is a normal part of this transition as to ascend into the new goes hand in hand with the death of what was. We grieve the death of an old version of ourselves, one that has kept us safe for so long. With it comes the loss of old realities we once held onto to understand life, the loss of relationships that no no longer align with who we have become, we even grieve the loss of bad habits that once comforted us. It is important to balance this grief  with the energies of curiosity, trust, acceptance, excitement, hope, creation, kindness, gratitude etc. We CAN hold two opposing energies at once. In fact, we must learn how.  

We live in a state of contraction when we live from a place of fear, shame, guilt, insecurity, comparison, obligation, resentment, and inauthenticity. They say evil is born in those who have contracted so much that all their light has gone out. When we tighten, we build walls, we hide our true selves, we try to control (which is actually losing all control), live in survival mode, in disconnection from ourselves, each other, life, and the divine. When we contract fear drives us, and the void within us grows. The void so many of suffer with is a result of dimming our light. We try and fill that void with things outside of ourselves and we wreak havoc in our lives and in the world, consuming everything on our path as an attempt to feel whole again.  As individuals we work our lives away to make more and more money to buy more and more things because we think that will fill the void. Often leading us to a life not lived, a body that gets sick, and relationships deteriorated. We try and fill the void with addictions that consume our life and our light, often even killing us. We try and fill the void by using other people, at best creating dynamics of control, co-dependence, and unhappiness, as we attempt to make the other be what we think we need them to be to feel better with ourselves. At worst, for those who have lost all ability to generate their own light because they have contracted so much, they use others to feed of their light. A typical example of this is the narcissist with the empath, and once they have consumed all the other person's light they leave them broken and traumatized. The ONLY thing that can fill our void is LIGHT. Light generated from within, through a life truly lived. It is the process of generating light through living authentically, from a place of love and faith shifts us to living in expansion.  Most people can only handle contracting so much before they break, this breaking is the opening through wich your wounds are exposed and the greatest opportunity to face ourselves, to heal, to grow, and to return to yourself... in other words... to begin to expand. 

It is through this journey that we begin to embody who we truly are and doing so expands us, opens our hearts, we heal, and we start to live. Facing the shadow aspects of ourselves is the path to healing our childhood wounds (the birthplace of our shadow). Facing our shadow with love and understanding is the process of spiritual integration, of becoming aligned mind, body, and soul. To face the pain that created our shadow is to understand that the shadow is born to protect. When we understand this about ourselves we are able to understand the pain that caused the shadow of others, in particular of those who's shadow wounded us. As we forgive ourselves and meet ourselves with love, we begin to extend that to others, forgive, and let go of the version of us whose identity was informed by darkness and begin to truly explore and discover who we really are and create a life the life that was meant for us. It is to be free.

Once you have learned from the wisdom of pain you can begin to learn from the wisdom of love. To face, feel, and most importantly learn from pain is the most important aspect of the human journey towards becoming your highest self. To understand that pain is here to teach us allows us to live less afraid, to know that every experience is for the benefit of ourselves. WE learn to be grateful as we feel so for it all. Living in gratitude IS what a beautiful life is made from.

Every single experience, good or bad, is in service of you. It is up to you to see and use heartbreak to grow, to evolve, to expand, to heal, and to move towards higher consciousness. The deeper your self understanding the greater your understanding of your human life, the more expanded your understanding of the spiritual aspect of yourself and life, the freer you live because the closer you are to love and the further you get from suffering. It is all connected.

Understand this, live by this and restore your relationship to faith, trust, joy, love, abundance, flow, freedom, compassion, living, and knowing that YOU ARE safe because you know that have within you all that you to face all that comes and that simultaneously you are being guided towards the light.

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